So, this something led me to scavenge through some old stuff of mine today.
Lines written on the last pages of notebooks... Which later on were just torn apart and stored for posterity. :)
This particular one was written way back..WAYYYY BACK in the early part of 2004 I believe. When AB Vajpayee was still in power, Australia ruled World Cricket, baggy cargo pants were just about getting out of fashion in Bangalore..and I was this lousy 16 year old, trying so hard to be cool!! :)
"Me And The Rain" was what I had titled it back then, wouldn't want to change it now.... So here goes.
Lines written on the last pages of notebooks... Which later on were just torn apart and stored for posterity. :)
This particular one was written way back..WAYYYY BACK in the early part of 2004 I believe. When AB Vajpayee was still in power, Australia ruled World Cricket, baggy cargo pants were just about getting out of fashion in Bangalore..and I was this lousy 16 year old, trying so hard to be cool!! :)
"Me And The Rain" was what I had titled it back then, wouldn't want to change it now.... So here goes.
That was a night so dark,
One on one, with my greatest fear.
Face to face with water and wind,
Nobody around and all wait worthless,
No one to call out, no one to listen,
And I stood there waiting for her,
I was hurt and I was wet,
As wet as anyone could get,
Chilling winds and piercing drops,
As I stood and trembled in pain,
Some force kept me going,
Something kept my broken heart together,
Something kept my collapsing body firm,
And made me wait all night,
I waited hurt, I waited wet,
I stood and waited in pain,
But that night,
It was just me and the rain.