Friday, February 20, 2015

Faith & Belief

When life tests you to the point, just before which you think you're going to break. Of all things that remain at that moment in time, faith stands the tallest. What is faith after all, if it can't endure in the worst times, the most gruelling times. Faith alone remains till the end, and probably goes when it's home, the body and mind go away.

Everything else ceases to matter much before.

A realisation to this effect, also is a luxury that not all can have. When the going gets tough, and slowly but steadily everything that you hold so close to your heart starts crumbling, you begin to wonder if all of it really mattered in the first place. 'Cause when it's gone... We might brood but ultimately shift all our fondness to what is left of whatever that remains. The human mind knows how to manage change, handle crisis and respond to disaster better than any Business or Management guru can ever teach. 

Among all things that leave my mind-scape first are what I describe as "My Beliefs". I stop believing in something or someone, the moment I know it's a better choice in the long run. And these very beliefs masquerade themselves as my faith in something or someone. They have in the past and very successfully continue to do so. Only when the moment of truth comes and the masks fall off, do I know my faith is a farce. 

The premise of my pour-out today after indeed a long long time is becoming cognizant of how flimsy our contacts today are. Bound by a thread, at the max. 

It's my belief that those at my call, will not and shall not disappoint me. But it is a matter of faith in myself, that in the face of disappointment it would hardly matter what ever it was that I had chosen to believe in.
