Monday, September 5, 2011

Forever And After...

सपना टूटा है तो दिल कभी जलता है, हाँ थोडा दर्द हुआ, पर चलता है...

A dear friend of mine, had once suggested.. “Keep writing, for no one else but for yourselves. For one day you would want to write something positive and pleasant about life after all the posts about how sad you’re with life and yourselves.” I guess that day has come… And as they say it, better late..than never.

In the past few months a realisation that has hit me really really hard in the face is that… Nothing lasts forever. No change is permanent and the only thing permanent is change. Promises are at the end of the day mere words spoken by a mortal like you and me. They are never to be taken seriously… At least not for long!

When something seriously seriously goes wrong in our lives, we often sit back and tend to think.. “This is going to change my life forever…” But then in reality, we WISH that it changes our lives forever. That’s what we hope for, but as I have realised now, NOTHING LASTS FOREVER. Something might change us, from what we used to be to someone we wish weren’t but then we change again!!! No matter how hard you try, you will change. One cannot stay the same forever… We live in a pretty dynamic world and our surroundings will not let that happen.

So… I was torn, devastated and overcome with grief to a point where I began enjoying it. My dreams shattered and my life thrown out of gear so much that I began finding sense it all the mayhem and chaos that ensued. A time came where I wished to remain in that state of chaos all through my life… I was absolutely loving it. But then again how silly was wish for something to stay forever… Whether I liked it or not, things were to change. Life was preparing me for one 180 degree shift after another… And whatttaaa shift this was!! :)

And again!!! I find myself at a place where I pray every moment of my life now that this new change somehow lasts forever... Huh...!

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